Traditional Martial Arts Dojang
Byung-Gi Kwonbop (System of Skills Korean Kung Fu) part of the
Korean Mantis Fist family of arts
"Nothing we do is competition legal,your life is no game."
Because of like mindedness and the desire for outside recognition of our Hapkido program we have associated our selfs with the Tactical Hapkido Alliance ..
Hapkido Chon Sul Kwan is the Hapkido sub-school of The Traditional Martial Arts Dojang Hapkido is a well known ,well tested method of self defense .Kong Soo Do and Hapkido share the same principles , a kick is a kick a wrist lock is a wrist lock , but have a different emphasis . Because of the nature of hapkido it has the advantage of being able to be force modulated -the rip your shoulder off lock can be applied with less force for pain control when less than lethal force is needed.Where as a kick to the knee breaks the knee and opponent has no second chance. Even if justified there will be repercussions. A hard twist to the joints will stop hurting soon and everybody gets on with their life There are many branches of Hapkido ,some have added pointless kata and ill advised high kicks. Much Hapkido looks no different than Taekwondo. Hapkido as we practice it is a harder more aggressive "soft art" in the Aki-jutsu family of Arts