Traditional Martial Arts Dojang
Byung-Gi Kwonbop (System of Skills Korean Kung Fu) part of the
Korean Mantis Fist family of arts
"Nothing we do is competition legal,your life is no game."
Started training in Byung Gi Kwon Bop at 16 with a buddy,Mike Seabert.He introduced me to my teacher Master Valdez a Byung Gi master Served in the Navy as a Master-at-Arms( Cop and keeper of military discipline) Was on a SLIC team (Search,Locate,ID,Confine) .
Taught basic self-defense and Korean stick fighting to the MAA force. The Chief MAA used me to "confine " situations .About once a week or so something needed confined I was mostly alone and half the time out numbered.. Bar fights,lunatics running naked down the street, Dopers out of their mind in the ER.Not to mention the sand crabs {civilian workers}
After the Navy I spent 4 1/2 years working in a max prison.I had many opportunities to test my system .
I've tested our method against every type of fighter,and continue to have a "open door" policy at my dojang,to make sure we don't slip into "Sport Karate". I'm still here so my Kung Fu is good. I have been a Black Belt 38 plus years I spent time training in and with various style's Some very little time . Some a lot.