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Traditional Martial Arts Dojang
Byung-Gi Kwonbop (System of Skills Korean Kung Fu) part of the
Korean Mantis Fist family of arts
"Nothing we do is competition legal,your life is no game."
Byung-Gi Kwon Bop has a 50/ 50 split between hand and foot use. Individual students may lean one way or the other. We use more expansive kicking than Okinawan or Japanese Karate ,but not sport kicking as modern Tae Kwon Do.
. We're a softer more circular "hard" art
Although modern Karate and Kong Soo Do share history and principles they are quite different than Kwon Bop. Mantis Fist first focus is the core principles of the percussion /hard arts.
The Line (Straight or Circular)– The force of a strike or disrupting the attack with the hand or foot .
Distance - moving inside or outside / getting close or moving away/ Controlling the beat like a DJ mixing to different beats to change songs
Angles – controlling the fight by the way of angles. Putting yourself in a position where you can use your tools put the opponent is limited.

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